0 How to Kiss a Girl/Boy For the First Time

How to kiss a Girl/Boy For The First Time. Kissing is a lovely movement in everyone life, there are different ways in kissing. Mainly Steps in kissing....

Step 1:: How to Kiss a Girl/Boy - Practicing on Your Own


Step 2:: How to Kiss a Girl/Boy - Kiss Romantically

0 How to Kiss a Girl/Boy - Practicing on Your Own

Practicing on Your Own

1. Part your lips sensuously. For a romantic kiss, your lips should remain soft and relaxed, not tightly puckered—which is how grandmas kiss you right before they pinch your cheeks. Focus on keeping them slightly parted and they should be perfect.

2.Hold one hand in a fist. It may feel silly to kiss your own hand, but it’s better to make all your early kissing mistakes on yourself and not your crush. Until you get a partner to practice with, the area where your thumb presses against your pointer finger will make a great pair of practice lips. 

3.Kiss slowly and softly. Alternate between kissing the “lower lip” (thumb) and “upper lip” (pointer finger). To make your kisses more sensual, let your lips linger. (A series of quick pecks can be a fun, playful way to kiss a partner, but it probably won’t make them feel all hot and bothered.) Don’t make loud smacking noises and make sure your hand doesn’t get sloppy wet; some people like wet kisses, but it shouldn’t be your default kiss.

4.Make sure to breathe through your nose slowly. It’s easy to get so distracted during a hot makeout session that you end up blowing air out your nose a little forcefully, which can be a real turnoff for the person whose face is getting blasted. Practice letting your breath out slowly in one long exhalation and taking in air a little at a time through your mouth when you break lip contact and through your nose. (If you have a stuffed nose, long, romantic kisses can get a little tricky, so be sure to blow your nose ahead of time.)

5.Practice your “kiss face” in the mirror. Make sure you don’t approach your partner with a goofy look on your face: your lips should be parted and ever so slightly pursed, not making an “o” like a chicken’s butt.

0 How to Kiss a Girl/Boy - Kiss Ways


0 How to Kiss a Girl/Boy - Kiss after a Date

Kiss after a Date

1. Get close. Since the possibility of a goodbye kiss always beckons—and assuming it’s your desire—it’s best to start getting close sooner than later: otherwise, you will find yourself saying your goodbyes with what feels like a chasm between you, making the swoop in for the kiss very conspicuous and awkward. Guys, that’s when you get the dreaded last-minute-turn-and-kiss-on-the-cheek routine, which is second only to the phrase, “You remind me of my brother,” for most-deflating date ending. As you walk your date to the car, the door, etc., put your hand (or a jacket) on your date’s shoulder or back. This breaks the touch barrier, gently lets your date know your intentions, and gives you an excuse to stand very close all at the same time.

2. Watch your date’s reaction. If your date angles his or her body away from you or speeds up to create distance, don’t try to complete the goodnight kiss—and don’t let your ego make a fool of you. Simply flash a big smile, thank them for the lovely time, and go about your business. It could simply be that your date isn’t ready to kiss yet.

3. Maintain eye contact. Making eye contact while standing close is a universally acknowledged indicator that a post-date kiss is about to take place. Though it may feel awkward to make your desires so clear, just remember that by giving your date a heads-up, you will make the kiss go much more smoothly and improve the odds that it will turn into a glorious makeout session. Trying to plant a kiss by surprise, on the other hand, may result in bumped noses and teeth, a startled pullback, and much awkwardness.

  • If the eye contact becomes too long, break and reestablish it as necessary; it’s better to let your eyes dart around than subject your date to an interrogation-style stare down. One good way to break eye contact while maintaining the romance is to glance down at your date’s lips.
4. Stop the conversation. When people get nervous, they often compensate by finding anything to talk about, killing the kissing opportunities. While you shouldn’t try to end the conversation abruptly, which might come across as trying to get over with your goodbyes, you shouldn’t encourage your date to ramble, either. Let the chatter die down by keeping your responses friendly but minimal. 

5. Consider breaking the kiss barrier. If everything is going well but you’re not quite ready to dive into full-blown romantic kissing, lean in for a hug and kiss the person on the cheek. Don’t confuse this with a friendly peck smack in the middle the cheek; make your feelings clear by placing the kiss close to the ear or mouth and letting your lips linger for a second, or whisper something flirty in their ear with lips touching. This will help the other person know that the kiss isn't meant in a platonic context. Done right, this can be a highly-charged move that can lead to more enthusiastic kissing.

6. Lean in and kiss your date. As you get close, tilt your head to one side, close your eyes, and place your hands on your date. Holding her waist / his shoulders is more traditional, but you may want to place one hand on the crook of the neck or use both hands to hold your date’s head and face for a more sensual experience.

7. Keep it simple. If this is a first kiss with this person—or, more importantly still, a first date—don’t overdo it. Keep your lips softly parted and either plant a straightforward kiss on your partner’s lips or up the ante by placing your lips around your date’s upper or lower lip and sucking it gently. Unless the passion has been building for some time, resist the temptation to kiss hard or with tongue.

8. Follow your date’s lead. Pay attention to how your date responds and moves during the kiss. If they lean closer or linger, you may be able to transition into more romantic kissing; otherwise, end the kiss by pulling slowly back, reopening your eyes to make eye contact, and smiling.

0 How to Kiss a Girl/Boy - Kiss Romantically

Kiss Romantically

1. Find a partner. Sure, your thumb and forefinger are always willing, and are becoming quite good at responding to your overtures, but that's just not going to get you anywhere. It's time for the main event! Call somebody up and make a date! 

2. Break the touch barrier. Work up to romantic kissing with a partner by first making physical contact of the non-labial kind. You'll be more comfortable and confident kissing someone if he or she has been receptive to other touches. To get started, try touching the person lightly on the arm or shoulder when you're talking. Don't make a big deal out of it; it should be a quick, innocent touch. If you want to break the touch barrier in a way that feels more meaningful, hold hands—or even lead into the kiss with a romantic hug.

  • Please note that the touch barrier is culture-dependent. In certain cultures, breaking the touch barrier is a big taboo that can land you in serious trouble, or unexpectedly married. Be very careful.
3. Get "caught" looking at the other person's lips. Make eye contact and then move your gaze briefly down to the person's lips. Then move your eyes back up to meet theirs and smile demurely. Most people will get the hint.

4. Approach for the kiss. Depending on your starting position you may need only to turn your head, or you may need to lean in a bit. You may want to use your hands to gently urge your partner’s body or head into position (but only guide his or her movement a little, you don’t want to forcibly move any part of his or her body or hold your partner in an uncomfortable position). Position yourself comfortably and let your partner meet you. As you near your partner’s lips, maintain eye contact.

5. Don’t rush. You only get 1 first kiss! Unless you’re both so overwhelmed with desire that you have to kiss right now or the world will end, draw it out. It can be tremendously exciting and sensual to tease the kiss before it happens, keeping eye contact the whole time. Don’t prolong this too much though, or you risk going from sensual to silly. If your partner’s eyes close, that’s your cue to kiss. If their eyes roll, you’d better be rich or really good looking.

6. Close your eyes as your lips make contact. In some Western societies, kissing someone with your eyes open show dishonesty and detachment. When you get to know each other better, looking at each other when you kiss can be highly erotic, but until then, play it safe by closing your eyes.

7. Lock lips. Instead of trying to kiss your partner's mouth straight-on, aim to take the bottom or upper lip between yours. (Alternate between these and see what feels more comfortable.) Use your lips to lightly suck on your partner's lower lip and, as you pull away, apply a bit of pressure to create a gentle tug. This is much more sensual than simply pressing your lips together.

8. Use your hands. No, not there, not yet! Whatever you do, don't just let your hands hang at your sides like 2 limp fettucini noodles. Put them to good use! Place your hands lightly on your partner's shoulders or around his or her waist. (In Western culture, girls generally put their hands on a boys shoulders while he puts his hands around her waist.) Once your hands are in place, you can take the intimacy up a notch at any time by pulling your partner in closer. Another seriously sensual move is to put both around the back of your partner's head and tangle them in his or her hair, gently pulling. Put them on the sides of his or her face, using your thumb to sweep across the cheekbone, or put one hand under his or her chin and tilt it upward.

9. Use your tongue (optional—but highly desirable). Using your tongue during a kiss is, in Western culture, referred to as a French kiss. Why do the French get the credit? Who knows! To get started, lightly and briefly run your tongue over your partner's lower lip. If they seems to respond well to that, gradually move your tongue in closer. If your partner continues to be receptive, slide the tip of your tongue inside and gently move it against the tip of your partner’s tongue. Whatever you do, keep it in motion; letting it sit limply in your partner's mouth isn't appealing and will bring a quick end to the kissing. Conversely, don’t shove your tongue into your partner’s mouth; while plenty of people enjoy deep kissing, it’s something you will have to learn to take cues on as you get more comfortable with your partner.

10. Consider biting your partner gently. Using your teeth on a first kiss should probably be avoided, but you can try using them a bit in later kisses. Similar to the lip lock, lightly take your partner's lower lip between your teeth, and let them graze over it as you pull back slightly. Don't use so much pressure that it becomes a bite. Be warned that not everyone likes teeth in their kissing—if your partner doesn't seem to enjoy it, back off.
  • You can practice biting your own lip, or pinch your of your lips between your thumb and index finger to get an idea for how much pressure to apply—and how much pressure you might enjoy.
11. Mix it up. Alternate between slow and fast kisses, kisses with and without tongue, and kissing the mouth, face, neck, and body. (Exposed skin is usually safe to kiss, but watch for cues to the contrary.) Slow and sensual kissing and taking the time to discover what your partner likes is delicious, but fast and hard can impart a sense of excitement and urgency. Everything else is a bonus.
  • If a particular style of kissing is working really well for you during a particular makeout session, allow yourselves to linger in it. (Change for the sake of change will interrupt your flow and most likely frustrate your partner.) Just don’t make a habit of only doing it one way or your kisses will grow stale.
12. Remember to come up for air. Being a bit breathless is part of the fun of kissing, but it's OK to take a break if you start feeling too lightheaded. Take a break and make eye contact. (If you want to maintain closeness while you breathe for a second, detach your lips and simultaneously lean in so that your forehead is resting against your partner's.) Once your gaze meets theirs, smile a little and decide whether to go for another kiss, or let things cool down a bit. If things are going well, keep going. If one or both of you think that's enough for now, pull away, smile, and shift your gaze elsewhere.

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